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"Vanishing on 7th Street" is a 2010 apocalyptic horror-thriller film directed by Brad Anderson and written by Anthony Jaswinski. The story is set in a post-apocalyptic Detroit, where a mysterious global blackout causes nearly the entire population to disappear, leaving only a few survivors behind. The film primarily follows a small group of characters – a movie theater projectionist named Paul (played by Hayden Christensen), a television reporter named Luke (played by Thandie Newton), a desperate man named James (played by Jacob Latimore), and a young girl named Briana (played by Taylor Groothuis) – who find themselves trapped in a bar on 7th Street.

As darkness falls, the survivors discover that shadows seem to come alive and can engulf people, making them disappear. These shadowy entities are the primary threat in the film. The survivors must find a way to stay in the light, whether it's from emergency generators, flashlights, or any other light source, to avoid being consumed by the shadows.

Throughout the movie, the characters grapple with fear, isolation, and the uncertainty of the situation. They try to understand the nature of the phenomenon and come to terms with the possibility that they might be the last remnants of humanity. The film explores themes of survival, the fear of the unknown, and the psychological toll of isolation.

As the story progresses, the characters face internal and external challenges, testing their resolve and sanity. The film builds tension through its atmospheric setting and the constant threat of the encroaching darkness. "Vanishing on 7th Street" is known for its eerie atmosphere and psychological horror elements, making it a suspenseful and thought-provoking film for fans of the genre.

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