In the film, Sam is assigned to inspect an old, abandoned apartment building, where she discovers a dark and disturbing history. The building was once the site of a series of horrifying events involving a deranged architect named Jebediah Crone, played by Cameron Bright. Crone was obsessed with creating rooms that trap people, and he used these rooms to carry out gruesome experiments on his victims.
As Sam delves deeper into the building's secrets, she finds herself trapped inside, forced to confront the malevolent forces at play. The film explores themes of isolation, claustrophobia, and the consequences of past sins. Throughout the movie, Sam must navigate a maze of hidden rooms, deadly traps, and supernatural elements in order to survive.
"Walled In" combines elements of psychological horror and supernatural thriller, creating a tense and eerie atmosphere. The film explores the psychological toll of being trapped and the lengths to which individuals will go to seek revenge from beyond the grave.
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